Spending is monitored on the spending page. Click on the "Spending" icon in the main menu at the top to go to the spending page. The spending page sums up the transaction amounts by year, month and category. These sums are shown in a grid, grouped by year, with each month in a column and each category in a row. There are additional columns for the total of all months, the average, the monthly goal for that category (if given) and the difference between the goal and the average. An additional row shows the total of all categories for each month, total of all categories for all months and an average monthly spending across all categories.
Transactions for one or more selected categories can be seen in a split screen format by clicking the "Show Transactions" button or double clicking on a category row. Click the "Edit Transaction" button or double click on a transaction to edit a transaction or view its details.
Transactions for one or more selected categories can also be seen by clicking the "Search" button. The "Search Transactions" window shows the same transactions as in the split screen format but also allows the transactions to be searched by date, amount or text in the transaction description. The results are shown and a total number of transactions and a sum of those transactions is shown in the lower left. It also has additional filters and the ability to export the transactions to a CSV file.
In the example below a search term of "Roku" was searched but you could also search for an amount or specific date.
Here is an example where a search for an amount was done.
If no spending groups have been created then all categories are analyzed. However, it is often helpful to create various spending groups. A spending group is a collection of categories and an optional spending goal. Click the "Edit Spending Groups" button to bring up the "Edit Spending Groups" window. The spending groups can also be edited by clicking the "Settings" icon on the main menu at the top. Spending groups can be added, edited, deleted or rearranged using this window. On the bottom left of the spending page is a drop-down list used to select the desired spending group for analysis.
To create a spending group click the "Add" button and select which categories are to be included in the spending group. You can optionally enter spending goal for the spending group.
Click the "Filters" button to bring up the "Filters" window. Here the analysis can be limited to a specific date range or specific accounts. Below is an example.